Run site speed experiments and check browser resource hints are working correctly.
Run site speed exeriments
With the Experiments feature you can run a speed test with modified page HTML and see how the change impacts performance. Super handy to try out an optimization before deploying it to production!
Validate browser resource hints
Resource hints like preconnect and preload are easy to get wrong. We now check them with every test on DebugBear, plus we've released a free tool for one-off tests.
Project-level test quotas + archiving
In larger organizations it can be easy to lose track of which projects are still active, and to ensure a single team doesn't accidentally exhaust the full project quota.
To address this, you can now set a monthly scheduled test quota for each project. You can also see when a project was last accessed, and archive unused projects before deleting them.
Other updates
- Upgraded to Chrome 99 and Lighthouse 9.5
- Select compact/expanded view on the project overview page
- The HTML Size Analyzer is now integrated into the main product, and also supports embedded JSON now
- Configure static IP addresses in your account settings