DebugBear Ltd is a small business based in the United Kingdom. We help our online businesses measure and optimize the loading speed of their websites.
We are committed to conducting our business ethically and responsibly. We will treat our staff, contractors, and customers with respect.
We are committed to creating a safe work environment and protecting the human rights of our staff in the workplace.
We expect our staff, contractors, and suppliers to follow applicable laws and regulations.
We are a small business and do not currently publish a modern slavery statement. Due to the nature of our business we consider the risk of slavery taking place in our operations to be low.
We assess our risk of bribery to be low due to the business sector and localities we operate in. All company expenditures are accounted for.
Our business buys products and services from a large number of individuals businesses. Many of our large suppliers publish their own ethics statements, code of conducts, or modern slavery statements. For example, this is the case for Google, our primary hosting provider.
At DebugBear we are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of our users. You can read more about data protection in our privacy policy.
If you have a question about our ethics statement or would like to report a concern please email
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