DebugBear continuously tests your websites using the same underlying technologies as PageSpeed Insights.
Track both the Lighthouse performance score and the real user data that impacts rankings.
Run tests from 20+ global test locations
Continuously monitor page speed from where your users are, using configurable mobile and desktop test devices.
Get alerted to performance issues
Receive alerts by email, in Slack, or Microsoft Teams.
Page speed optimization
In-depth performance reports
Gain insight into your website with detailed reporting that goes beyond
Page Speed Insights.
Present to team members and clients
Demonstrate page speed issues to clients and the rest of your team.
Show off optimizations and export data as CSV for custom reports.
Run a free website speed test
Test your website for free to see how you can make it faster.
Then use our main product for page load speed monitoring.
Core Web Vitals are a Google ranking factor
Rank higher in Google with better page speed
Google's page experience update means that improving page performance
can help you rank higher than your competitors.
Track real user experience to check if your site is fast enough and
if visitors from specific locations or using specific devices are having a bad experience.
Fix problems before they impact rankings
Unlike Google CrUX data, RUM data in DebugBear is available in real-time without a 28-day delay.
Detailed debug data for INP
Interaction to Next scores are difficult to fix. DebugBear tells you what page interactions are slow
and what scripts are responsible.
Page speed benchmarking
Compare your site against competitors
Check how your Core Web Vitals metrics compare to other websites in your industry.
Spot high-level industry trends
See what domains are rising and falling over time. Optimize your website
to be the fastest.