Procurement Questions

What is your registered address?

DebugBear Ltd
Evolution House
Delft Way
NR6 6BB Norwich
United Kingdom

What is your UK company registration number?

Our company number is 11519546.

What is your VAT number?

Our VAT number is GB 303 9148 20.

What is your contact email address?

You can email for all billing and support questions.

What is your contact phone number?

We don't offer phone support. Please contact us by email.

What services does DebugBear provide?

DebugBear provides automated website speed monitoring and analysis.

Go to our Legal page.

Can you provide an IRS form W-9 or W-8BEN-E?

You can find our W-8BEN-E here.

Why was I quoted a different annual price than on the pricing page?

This usually happens when paying by bank transfer rather than going through the self-service flow and paying by credit card.

Have a question that's not answered here?

Send your questions to and we'll be able to help you. Note that for most self-service plans we are not able to fill out vendor registration forms for you.

You are using an old browser that is not supported anymore. You can continue using the site, but some things might not work as expected.