Website Grader And Quality Checker

Check your website for performance, accessibility, and SEO.

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Check website quality

Measure website health

This test opens your web page and checks it for technical health aspects like performance, accessibility, SEO, and other website best practices.

Get more value out of your website

Find out how your website can improve and optimize it to get more traffic and conversions for your business.

Website quality test result showing a best practices score

Free website grader for page speed

See how fast your website loads

Get detailed reporting on your page speed and what you can do to improve it.

Core Web Vitals impact SEO

Website grader result for page speed

Check website SEO

On-page SEO check

Analyze your page to detect issues like blocked indexing, invalid robots.txt files, or missing alt tags.

Help Google crawl your website

Make sure your website is optimized for search engines and provides necessary meta data.

SEO analysis result for a website

Automated accessibility check

Identify accessibility issues

Check for missing titles, element roles, poor navigation, and other issues.

Accessibility can't be completely automated

An automated check is just a first start to catch obvious problems. For a full accessibility check, you should also do manual testing.

Automated accessibility test result

You are using an old browser that is not supported anymore. You can continue using the site, but some things might not work as expected.