DebugBear opens your website in a controlled test environment and measures its performance.
In addition to running our own tests, we also check Google's real user Core Web Vitals data to make sure your website is fast enough.
Find out what you can do to optimize your page performance.
DebugBear shows you exactly what's happening when your website loads and how it impacts your users.
Identify the page element that's responsible for the LCP milestone and what factors are holding it back.
Get a ranked list of recommendations to make your Wordpress site fast.
Google uses the Core Web Vitals metrics as a search result ranking signal. Passing the web vitals assessment is good for SEO.
A fast website will keep your visitors more engaged and more likely to come back.
Visitors are more likely to buy from a fast website.
How fast your website will be depends on your hosting service, the theme you use, and the plugins you install.
Wordpress page speed plugins can improve caching, optimize images, compress content, and optimize resource loading.
DebugBear can monitor website speed over time and alert you to any issues that come up.
See lab data, Google CrUX data, and real user monitoring data all in one place.
You are using an old browser that is not supported anymore. You can continue using the site, but some things might not work as expected.