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View Site Speed Trends The CrUX History API

February 24, 2023 · Updated on · 5 min read

Earlier this month Google released the CrUX History API. CrUX is the Chrome User Experience Report which provides real-user page speed metrics for millions of websites. The History API allows us to see how the speed of a website has changed over time.

This article explains how you can use the API to look up page speed data for a website.

Obtain an API key

To use Google’s API you need a Google Cloud account. Then you can click Create Credentials on this page.

Google Cloud API & Services Dashboard

Select API key in the dropdown.

Dropdown with API key option

After waiting a bit the new API key will be presented to you. Copy it so you can use it later.

API key shown in modal after creation

Set up a Node.js project

To set up your Node project:

  1. Create a new folder on your computer for the project code
  2. Run npm init --yes
  3. Run npm install axios
  4. Create a crux.js file for your code

We’ll use the axios library to make requests to the API.

Make your first request to the CrUX History API

You are now ready to use the API. Copy the code below into crux.js and replace PASTE_API_KEY_HERE with your API key.

const axios = require("axios");
const url = `${API_KEY}`;

.post(url, {
origin: "",
metrics: ["largest_contentful_paint"],
.then((res) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2));

Run this code with node crux.js. The output will look something like this. I’ve removed some of the data to make it more readable. The full response shows 25 weeks worth of data.

"record": {
"key": {
"origin": ""
"metrics": {
"largest_contentful_paint": {
"histogramTimeseries": [
"start": 0,
"end": 2500,
"densities": [0.38177490234375, 0.37835693359375]
"start": 2500,
"end": 4000,
"densities": [0.23614501953125, 0.239227294921875]
"start": 4000,
"densities": [0.382080078125, 0.382415771484375]
"percentilesTimeseries": {
"p75s": [5881, 5845]
"collectionPeriods": [
"firstDate": { "year": 2022, "month": 8, "day": 7 },
"lastDate": { "year": 2022, "month": 9, "day": 3 }
"firstDate": { "year": 2022, "month": 8, "day": 14 },
"lastDate": { "year": 2022, "month": 9, "day": 10 }
  • collectionPeriods shows the week when the data was collected from Chrome users
  • percentilesTimeseries shows an average load time for users, in this case the 75th percentile (so 25% of users waited more than 5881 milliseconds for the page to load)
  • histogramTimeseries shows the Good/Needs Improvement/Poor buckets Google uses to evaluate the Largest Contentful Paint metric (here 38.2% of experiences were good, 23.6% of experiences were ok, and 38.2% were poor)

Analyze the data

Viewing a big blob of JSON isn’t very exciting. Is Youtube getting faster or slower?

We can change the code as follows to view a summary of the Largest Contentful Paint trend.

.post(url, {
origin: "",
metrics: ["largest_contentful_paint"],
.then((res) => {
const record =;
const collectionPeriods = record.collectionPeriods;
const p75s =

const firstLcp = p75s[0];
const lastLcp = p75s[p75s.length - 1];
const firstCollectionPeriod = collectionPeriods[0];
const lastCollectionPeriod =
collectionPeriods[collectionPeriods.length - 1];

`75th percentile LCP changed from ${firstLcp} ms to ${lastLcp} ms`
`Between ${stringifyPeriod(firstCollectionPeriod)} and ${stringifyPeriod(

function stringifyPeriod(period) {
return `${period.firstDate.year}-${period.firstDate.month}-${}`;

After running our script this is what’s shown in the console:

75th percentile LCP changed from 5881 ms to 5341 ms
Between 2022-8-7 and 2023-1-22

Between August 2022 and January 2023 the Youtube website has become faster. Or at least their visitors started getting faster network connections and devices.

Request more metrics

So far we’ve only requested the LCP, but the CrUX History API supports 6 different metrics:

  • experimental_time_to_first_byte
  • first_contentful_paint
  • largest_contentful_paint
  • first_input_delay
  • cumulative_layout_shift
  • experimental_interaction_to_next_paint

Filtering data

So far we’ve been looking at data for all users on the website. The formFactor parameters lets us filter that down to just PHONE or DESKTOP users., {
origin: "",
formFactor: "PHONE",
metrics: ["largest_contentful_paint"],

Fetching URL-level data

To load data for just the Youtube homepage instead of the whole website you can rename the origin parameter to url., {
url: "",
formFactor: "PHONE",
metrics: ["largest_contentful_paint"],

Handling API errors

What if Google doesn’t have data for a website? To address that we need to add a catch handler to the axios request.

.post(url, {
origin: "",
metrics: ["largest_contentful_paint"],
.then((res) => {})
.catch((err) => {

Node now prints the following response:

"error": {
"code": 404,
"message": "chrome ux report data not found",
"status": "NOT_FOUND"

Run a free speed test to view real user Core Web Vitals

You can use the DebugBear website speed test to view Core Web Vitals data for the last 25 weeks.

Crux trendlines

CrUX History dashboards

The CrUX Trends dashboard in DebugBear shows Core Web Vitals scores for your own website and those of your competitors.

See performance trends in your industry, check Time to First Byte and First Contentful Paint scores for debugging, and view either 75th percentile data or the percentage of good experiences.

CrUX history dashboard

Monitoring CrUX data continuously

Are you trying to keep on top of Google’s Core Web Vitals data? DebugBear not only runs daily lab tests but also uses the CrUX API to show performance trends over time.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial.

DebugBear performance dashboard showing CrUX data

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