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Browser Support For Core Web Vitals And Page Speed Metrics

October 31, 2024 · Updated on · 3 min read
Conor McCarthy

Google’s Core Web Vitals are the standard for measuring a website’s performance. However, not all browsers support these metrics. In this article, we clarify which metrics are available across the most popular browsers.

What browsers support the three Core Web Vitals metrics?

All Core Web Vital metrics are supported by Chromium browsers. Chromium is an open-source web browser project developed by Google. Some of the most popular browsers that are based on Chromium are: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Samsung Internet, and Opera.


Chromium browsers on iOS will not report Core Web Vital data.

But what about other popular browsers, such as Safari and Firefox? These are non-Chromium browsers and support for metrics varies between them.

For example, Largest Contentful Paint is supported by Firefox but not by Safari.

Graphic displaying popular chromium and non-chromium browsers

There are a few metrics which are supported across all browsers:

From these 4 metrics, First Contentful Paint is the only one which measures a visitor's experience. The other three are technical metrics.

In the table below, you can see an overview of which metrics are available in each of the browsers mentioned in this article.

Metric support table

If you want to verify whether a metric is available in a browser not listed in the table, offers current information. In the example below we can see the current availability of LCP. LCP support

Interop 2025

While Safari currently doesn't support any of the Core Web Vitals metrics, that will hopefully change soon!

The Largest Contentful Paint and Interaction to Next Paint metrics are part of the Interop 2025 effort, that aims to achieve cross-browser support for important web platform features.

Firefox already supports the Largest Contentful Paint metric, and likely start supporting Interaction to Next Paint as well.

Can page weight be measured for real users?

Browsers do report page weight data for resources loaded from the current websites. DebugBear real user monitoring has a dedicated dashboard for first-party page weight.

However, third-party transfer size is not available as browsers withhold this information for security reasons.

DebugBear RUM page weight dashboard

Why am I seeing metrics reported in browsers that don’t support them?

Core Web Vitals data can appear in non-Chromium browsers when users use a Chromium based browser with a non-Chromium user agent.

In the screenshot below we can see website visitors using a user-agent in Safari, with Core Web Vital data being collected.

Core Web Vital data collected from non-chromium browsers via user-agent


Understanding which browsers support Core Web Vital metrics will provide context when analyzing RUM data.

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