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Faster Rendering with the content-visibility CSS Property

· 7 min read
Umar Hansa

Have you ever loaded a page with tons of content and noticed how slow it feels? The browser has to process everything at once - even the content you can't see yet! That's where the content-visibility property comes in. It's a CSS feature that tells browsers to skip rendering off-screen content until it's needed.

What is CSS Containment?

Before diving into content-visibility, let's understand CSS containment. CSS Containment lets you tell browsers which parts of a page are separate from others. When browsers know this, they can make smart decisions about rendering such parts.

CSS containment is like putting content in separate boxes. Each box doesn't affect the others, so the browser can process them independently.

How content-visibility Works

The content-visibility property tells browsers they can skip rendering content that users can't see. This saves processing time since the browser doesn't need to calculate styles, layout, and paint for off-screen elements.

DevTools rendering activity

When you scroll and the content comes into view, the browser renders it just in time. This makes initial page loads much faster, especially for long pages with lots of content.

Values for the content-visibility property

The content-visibility property accepts three main values:

  • visible: The default behavior. Content is processed and displayed normally.
  • hidden: Content is not displayed and not accessible to users (similar to display: none), but its rendering state is preserved for quick unhiding later.
  • auto: Content is only rendered when it's needed (near or in the viewport). This gives the biggest performance boost.

When to use the content-visibility property

content-visibility works best with content that:

  • Is below the fold (not visible when the page first loads): For example, it's outside of the initial viewport
  • Is self-contained (doesn't affect other parts of the page): For example, it doesn't change the layout when it's rendered, and doesn't have styles that affect other elements
  • Has a substantial rendering cost (like complex layouts): For example, a long list of UI components, blog posts in a feed, a long comment thread, etc.

When Not to Use content-visibility

You should be careful when using content-visibility because it can have unintended consequences. Here are examples:

  • Content in the initial viewport (what users see first): This feels like lazy loading your LCP image!
  • Small elements with a minimal rendering cost: You should avoid premature optimization and only use content-visibility when it's effective
  • Elements whose size might affect the page layout significantly: This can lead to unexpected results when the content is rendered

Using contain-intrinsic-size

When you use content-visibility: auto, you might notice a problem: the browser doesn't know how big the content marked for deferred rendering is. In such a case, the browser assumes a height of 0, which can contribute to a confusing scrollbar state!

That's where contain-intrinsic-size comes in. It lets you specify a placeholder size for the content:

.content-section {
content-visibility: auto;
contain-intrinsic-size: auto 600px; /* Width and height placeholder */

Selectively Applying content-visibility

For long lists of content, consider applying content-visibility: auto like this, for example, with blog posts:

/* Apply to posts that are below the fold */
.blog-post:nth-child(n + 10) {
content-visibility: auto;
contain-intrinsic-size: auto 600px;

This ensures the first batch of posts renders normally, while later ones use the content-visibility: auto optimization.

Understanding the contain Property

The content-visibility: auto value applies several types of containment:

  • Style containment: Prevents styles inside the element from affecting outside elements
  • Layout containment: Prevents layout changes inside from affecting outside layout
  • Paint containment: Prevents content from visually overflowing the element

You can also use these containment types directly with the contain property:

.container {
contain: style layout paint;

It's important you understand each type of containment and how they affect the rendering of your content.

Don't use content-visibility: auto; without understanding the implications of the contain property!

Browser Support

The content-visibility property is supported across all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However Firefox and Safari may exhibit quirks with certain values.

The contain property has good support across modern browsers.

Measuring Improvements with DebugBear

At DebugBear, we offer tools to measure the impact of CSS containment on your site's performance. Consider the following example:

This DOM tree represents a page with hundreds of blog posts.

DOM with many blog posts

The .apply-content-visibility class applies CSS properties that you've learned about in this article:

DOM element with content-visibility applied

Toggling the styles for the .apply-content-visibility class lets us create a before-and-after comparison to understand the impact of content-visibility on rendering performance during page load. In this case, I set up two tests from DebugBear's dashboard:

DebugBear test setup for content-visibility

I was then able to use the comparison view to see the performance improvements:

Before and After Comparison

The previous screenshot shows the before-and-after comparison for performance metrics of the test page.

The CPU (Paint) time is very telling, as it has dropped significantly, as there are hundreds of blog posts on the page which didn't need to be rendered immediately.

Interestingly, the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric has also improved. Since most of the rendering work that a browser does happens on the main thread, the browser can now focus on rendering the most important content first - the LCP element.

Largest Contentful Paint example

DebugBear also offers a video comparison feature to see the visual impact of these changes:

While this approach of creating multiple DebugBear lab tests for a demo page is somewhat useful, it's more practical to use DebugBear's one-click experiments feature to test the impact of content-visibility on your site's performance.

DebugBear's own blog listing page currently displays the title and excerpt of each blog post. That's almost 200 posts as of March 2025. This makes for a perfect candidate to test the impact of content-visibility on rendering performance.

With the /blog page added as a new test in DebugBear, and then configured to be tested with a mobile configuration, I can then run a baseline test. This baseline test captures the page load performance without any optimizations.

Next, I create and configure a new experiment:

Creating a new experiment in DebugBear

This experiment inserts a bit of CSS into the <head> of the page:

/* No significance to this `nth-child` value */
[itemprop="blogPost"]:nth-child(n+11) {
content-visibility: auto;
contain-intrinsic-size: auto 300px;

I then run the experiment:

Experiment Result

The DebugBear blog listing page has over 15 thousand words! The content visibility technique doesn't just defer rendering of most of that text, but also its accompanying images, styles, etc.

While the improvements to some metrics are negligible, there's a noticeable improvement in the CPU-bound Style, Layout and Paint metrics, which are good indicators of the performance benefits of using content-visibility.

Accessibility Considerations

The content-visibility property can have implications for accessibility. It's an important topic that was not covered in this post, so please read the official MDN documentation.


The content-visibility property gives developers more control over how browsers render content. By telling browsers to skip rendering off-screen content, you can improve page load time and interactivity.

Remember these key points:

  • Use content-visibility: auto for off-screen content (but test the performance impact first)
  • Pair it with contain-intrinsic-size to manage placeholder sizes for content not yet rendered
  • Apply this technique selectively, to avoid delayed rendering of important content
  • Test your changes, manually in a variety of browsers, with tooling like browser DevTools and DebugBear, and with real users

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