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Measuring Long Animation Frames (LoAFs) In The Browser

November 23, 2023 · Updated on · 7 min read
Matt Zeunert

Web performance browser APIs help developers understand what causes slow experiences for real users on their website. The proposed Long Animation Frames (LoAF) API surfaces debug data about long CPU tasks and unresponsive page interactions.

LoAF would be especially useful to debug Google new Core Web Vitals metric, Interaction to Next Paint.

What is a long animation frame?

For a website to feel fast the browser needs to be able to update content quickly. Each update that's shown to the user is a frame. However, CPU tasks on the browser main thread can delay rendering resulting in long animation frames.

You can see rendering frames in the Chrome DevTools Performance tab. The red entries in the recording show dropped frames and the yellow entries show partially presented frames.

DevTools Performance recording

What is the Long Animation Frames API?

The Long Animation Frames API lets developers measure long frames on their websites, for example to monitor and understand page speed for real users.

The API provides insight on delayed the frame and what scripts on the page are responsible for the delay.


The Long Animation Frames API is now available in Chrome stable from Chrome version 123 onwards.

Using LoAF to debug slow page interactions

The Long Animation Frames API was added to Chrome shortly after Interaction to Next Paint became a Core Web Vitals metrics. LoAF data allows you to debug slow page interactions by surfacing:

  • What scripts delayed an interaction
  • Why those scripts were running
  • Whether time was spent on code evaluation or style/layout work

You can find an example visualization of a slow interaction in DebugBear:

DebugBear LoAF data for slow INP

Core Web Vitals Monitoring
Synthetic Tests · Real User Monitoring · Google CrUX data

Example use of the Long Animation Frames API

Once the API has been enabled long-animation-frame entries will be collected and returned by performance.getEntries().

Long Animation frames screenshot

A deeper look at LoAF data

Let's look at a long animation frame during the initial render of the Asana homepage. We can compare the LoAF data to what we see in the DevTools Performance tab.

DevTools Performance recording

Script Attribution

We can look at the scripts entry of the performance entry to the duration of individual tasks.

const loafEntry = performance
.filter((e) => e.duration > 200)[0];
console.log( => s.duration));
// [7, 10, 301, 19]

You can see that this matches the data reported by DevTools.

DevTools frame breakdown

The name property of each script tells us what triggered the script to run. In this case the script URL is shown in most cases because we are looking at the initial load of the JavaScript bundles on the page.

console.log( =>"\n"));

FrameRequestCallback is different, it indicates a requestAnimationFrame call on the page. We can look at the source location data for the script to find where this callback is scheduled.

const script = loafEntry.scripts[3];
// e
// 4371

If we look for the 4371st character in the script we find the e function that's used as the requestAnimationFrame callback.

Script code at the reported location

The name property can also identify event handlers like DOMWindow.onresize when the window size changes.

Identifying a forced synchronous layout

Other than script evaluation time, we can also identify pause time with pause time (for example, waiting for a synchronous XMLHttpRequests) or style/layout time.

By looking at the longest script in more detail find that 112 milliseconds are spent on forcedStyleAndLayoutDuration.

Forced restyle in LoAF

This matches the forced synchronous layout reported in DevTools.

DevTools layout thrashing

Understanding LoAF data for a simplified scenario

We've created a simple page with two slow click event handlers attached to a button:

  • The first click handler in script-2.js runs for 1 second
  • The second click handler in script-3.js runs for 2 seconds

Both call a blockCPU function in script-1.js.

DevTools simple click events

What does the LoAF data say? We can see that all activity is attributed to script-2.js and script-3.js. LoAF attribution looks at how a task is triggered, not what file most time is spent in.

When the button is clicked Chrome knows that it should run both handlers. But it takes a while before the second handler can run, so we see a one second delay between the desiredExecutionStart and the executionStart of script-3.js.

LoAF script attribution breakdown

What if we click the button a second time while the first event handlers are still running? We now get four entries in the scripts array, one for each time an event handler starts running.

Script handlers list in LoAF data

Long frames caused by user interactions

If an event handler is slow you will see the element selector and event type shown in the script invoker name, for example BUTTON#example3.onclick.

You can also look at the firstUIEventTimestamp value of the LoAF entry to identify whether an event was handled. If that value isn't zero the animation frame likely causes slow Interaction to Next Paint.

LoAF with event timestamp and event handler info


invokerName used to just be called name and invokerType used to just be called type

Collect INP LoAFs with web-vitals.js

You can use Google's web-vitals.js library to measure INP and identify what scripts contribute to poor INP scores.

To get LoAF data, load the attribution build of the Web Vitals library and add an onINP handler. We're also passing in reportAllChanges as true here, so we don't have to wait until the page is hidden before the INP data is reported.

const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src =
script.onload = function () {
(info) =>
"INP: " + info.value + "ms",
"LoAFs: ",
{ reportAllChanges: true }

The longAnimationFrameEntries of the INP report provides a list of LoAFs that overlapped the INP interaction.

web-vitals loaf data

Why are LoAF scripts showing an empty URL?

If the reported INP scripts don't include a URL this might be because the browser is not providing it for privacy reasons. Adding the crossorigin="anonymous" attribute to your scripts often helps. However, if the script was added by a Chrome extension rather than by your own website then there's nothing you can do to collect this data.

Long animation frames in DebugBear

DebugBear real user monitoring uses the Long Animation Frames API to show you which scripts have the biggest contribution to your Interaction to Next Paint score.

We identify the longest LoAF script for the INP interaction and break it down either by script domain or by script URL. Looking at the domain breakdown is a great way to see if slow interactions are caused by your own code or by a third-party script embedded on your website.

INP by script domain

You can also view the function name for the script. Since most production code is minified the name by itself won't be all that informative. So to debug it you can hover over the row, click on the funnel icon, and then switch to the Elements or Page Views tab to learn more the matching interactions.

INP by script function name

When looking at a specific page view you can see the element that the user interacted with as well as all the scripts involved in the long animation frame.

Page view with INP script data

Each script can be expanded to show the source location as well as what type of processing the browser is performing, for example running JavaScript or synchronous style recalculations.

LoAF script detail

You can try DebugBear RUM for free by signing up for a trial here.

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