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Real User Monitoring Properties

This page lists all the page view properties that are available in DebugBear's Real User Monitoring (RUM) feature. Use the API ID for filtering and grouping when using the DebugBear API.

Table with RUM properties

Available RUM properties

DebugBear RUM currently supports 45 different page view properties.

Auto Path

The URL path with numbers replaced by asterisks.

API ID: autoPath

URL Path

The full pathname component of the URL, for example /something/test.

API ID: urlPath

Path Level 1

The first level of the path. If the full path is /a/b/c, then this value would be a.

API ID: path1

Path Level 2

The second level of the path. If the full path is /a/b/c, then this value would be b.

API ID: path2

Path Level 3

The third level of the path. If the full path is /a/b/c, then this value would be c.

API ID: path3

Page Title

The contents of the HTML <title> tag from when the page was loaded.

API ID: pageTitle

LCP Text

The text content of the UI element that was responsible for the Largest Contentful Paint.

API ID: lcpText

LCP Selector

The CSS selector of the UI element that was responsible for the Largest Contentful Paint.

API ID: lcpSelector

LCP Type

The high level type of LCP element, for example text or an image.

API ID: lcpType


The URL of the LCP element if it is an image, background image, or video element.

API ID: lcpUrl

CLS Text

The text content of the UI element that experienced the largest layout shift on the page.

API ID: clsText

CLS Selector

The CSS selector of the UI element that experienced the largest layout shift on the page.

API ID: clsSelector

INP Text

The text content of the UI component that triggered the INP interaction.

API ID: inpText

INP Selector

The CSS selector of the UI element that triggered the INP interaction.

API ID: inpSelector

INP Primary Script

The URL of the script with the single largest contribution to the overall INP score.

API ID: inpPrimaryScript

INP Primary Script Domain

The domain name of the script with the single largest contribution to the overall INP score. More details.

API ID: inpPrimaryScriptDomain

INP Primary Script Function

The name of the function that ran as part of an INP interaction and caused the longest delay. More details.

API ID: inpPrimaryScriptFunction

INP Primary Script Invoker

The script invoker explains what triggered the INP primary script to run. For example, the initial evaluation of the script, an event listener, or a scheduled timeout.

The INP script is the script that contributed most to the overall INP interaction delay. More details.

API ID: inpPrimaryScriptInvoker

INP Primary Script Invoker Type

The script invoker explains why a script was running at a given time. For example, a script might run because it just loaded, because of an event listener, or because of a scheduled setTimeout callback. More details.

API ID: inpPrimaryScriptInvokerType

INP Load Stage

Load stage that the INP interaction occurred in. This helps you diagnose whether interaction delays are caused by code running as part as the initial application load or by background tasks and event processing later on. More details.

API ID: inpLoadStage

INP Event

Whether the INP interaction was a pointer interaction or a keyboard interaction. Pointer interactions include both mouse and touch interactions.

API ID: inpEvent

INP Element Type

The high level type of LCP element, for example a button or image.

API ID: inpType


The origin of the page the visitor accessed, for example

API ID: origin


The domain name of the page view, for example

API ID: domain

Page Group

The page group that the page view was assigned to based on the groups configured for your RUM snippet. More details.

API ID: groupId

Referrer Domain

The domain that the visitor came from.

API ID: referrerDomain

UTM Campaign

The value of the UTM Campaign query parameter for the page view.

API ID: utmCampaign


The browser that the visitor used, for example Chrome or Safari.

API ID: browser

What triggered the page to open, for example a page refresh or a back/forward navigation. More details.

API ID: navigationType

BFCache Not Restored Reason

The reason why the page was not restored from the back/forward cache.

API ID: notRestoredReason

Operating System

The operating system of the visitor's device.

API ID: os

Device Memory GB

User device memory estimate reported by the browser. 8 GB is the maximum value that can be reported.

API ID: memory

Device CPU Count

Rough number of CPUs on the visitor's device.

API ID: cpu

Last Blocking Request

URL of the last render-blocking request that holds prevents page content from showing up. More details.

API ID: lastBlockingRequest


The country of the visitor based on their IP address.

API ID: country

Network Type

Network type estimate that the browser provides through the Network Information API. 4G is the fastest speed that can be reported through this API.

API ID: networkType

Device Type

Whether the visitor accessed the website from a mobile or desktop device.

API ID: device

First Error Message

Message of the earliest error that occurred on the page.

API ID: firstErrorMessage

First Error Function Name

JavaScript function of the earliest error that occurred on the page.

API ID: firstErrorFunctionName

First Error Script URL

URL of the earliest error that occurred on the page.

API ID: firstErrorFilename

Tag 1

A custom page tag reported by the website. More details.

API ID: tag1

Tag 2

A custom page tag reported by the website. More details.

API ID: tag2

Tag 3

A custom page tag reported by the website. More details.

API ID: tag3

Tag 4

A custom page tag reported by the website. More details.

API ID: tag4

Tag 5

A custom page tag reported by the website. More details.

API ID: tag5