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How To Fix LCP Resource Load Duration

February 10, 2025 · Updated on · 5 min read
Matt Zeunert

The Largest Contentful Paint metric consists of several different components. In this article we'll take a look at the Resource Load Duration subpart and explore different ways to reduce it.

What is LCP Load Duration?

If the LCP element is an image, Load Delay measures how long it takes for the image resource to download. It is one of the four LCP subparts that make up the overall Largest Contentful Paint score.

The request waterfall below shows a WebP file that's required to display the largest content element on the page. After loading it there's a short render delay time, before the content finally appears.

LCP Load Duration in a request waterfall

What causes resource load duration?

The duration of an image request usually mostly depends on the image size and the bandwidth available on the network. Server response time usually isn't an issue for static assets.

This example shows a large amount of Load Delay because the image is almost 2 megabytes large. That means downloading it takes a long time, delaying the Largest Contentful Paint.

Large Load Duration in a request waterfall

LCP Resource load duration for videos

Currently Google's Lighthouse tool does not support measuring load duration for videos.

Instead, time spent waiting for the first video frame to arrive will be attributed as render delay.

Video load duration

How to measure LCP Load Duration

You can measure LCP Load Duration using a number of performance tools, for example:

  • PageSpeed Insights
  • DebugBear
  • Chrome DevTools

LCP Load Duration on PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse

Google's PageSpeed Insights service is built on top of the free Lighthouse tool, which can report LCP load duration under the Largest Contentful Paint element audit.

The audit shows what element was detected as the largest content element and the breakdown into the four LCP subparts.

LCP load duration in Lighthouse

LCP Load Duration in DebugBear

You can measure Load Duration in DebugBear using synthetic monitoring and real user monitoring. Try the free website speed test to get started.

To view the LCP subpart breakdown, click on the Largest Contentful Paint metric title. You get a numeric breakdown as well as a request waterfall that's annotated with the subpart timings.

Request waterfall with subpart breakdown in DebugBear

Check Load Duration in Chrome DevTools

Chrome's developer tools let you check LCP load duration in the Performance tab.

Record a page load profile, expand the sidebar, and then open the LCP by phase breakdown. You can then see the different subparts both in the sidebar and in a trace annotation.

Resource load duration in Chrome DevTools

How to fix high LCP Load Duration

You can follow these tips in order to reduce load duration for LCP elements:

  • Serve images in modern formats
  • Use responsive images
  • Avoid bandwidth competition from other resources

Serve images in modern formats

Next-gen image formats like WebP and AVIF reduce file size and therefore achieve faster image downloads.

Large images increase resource load duration, as you can see in the example below. The LCP image is a 1.5 megabyte PNG file that takes over 2 seconds to load.

Large PNG file in request waterfall

Use responsive images

Responsive images are another way to reduce image file size. Many websites serve images at only one size, which means even a low-resolution phone will end up loading a large high-resolution image.

The srcset attribute allows you to instead specify URLs that point to different versions of an image, each one sized appropriately for the relevant screen dimensions.

Avoid bandwidth competition from other resources

Network bandwidth is important for LCP load duration, as images can often require large downloads. To speed these up you should avoid loading other large resources at the same time.

In the example below we can see that a large HTML document is downloading slowly, and taking away bandwidth from the LCP image. There are also a large number of preloaded web fonts that are loading at the same time.

LCP Load Duration caused by competing resources

You can reduce the number of preloaded fonts and analyze the HTML size to see how you can reduce it.

HTML Size analysis

Monitor LCP load duration for real users

With DebugBear real user monitoring you can measure how fast images load for real visitors on your website.

Real user monitoring load duration dashboard

You can also see how load duration varies by LCP image URL. This way you can pinpoint specific performance issues on your website and optimize individual images that frequently cause issues.

LCP URL breakdown

In addition to tracking LCP, DebugBear also helps you monitor other Core Web Vitals metrics across your whole website:

DebugBear RUM Core Web Vitals dashboard

Illustration of website monitoringIllustration of website monitoring

Monitor Page Speed & Core Web Vitals

DebugBear monitoring includes:

  • In-depth Page Speed Reports
  • Automated Recommendations
  • Real User Analytics Data

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